Archivos Story Mapping and Development

Your Stories... Illuminated

ARCHIVOS is an online story mapping and development tool that empowers writers to be the architect of their story worlds.

Through the unique and engaging ARCHIVOS interface, storytellers and fans can an interactive visual representation of an entire story world, illuminating the network of interaction between characters, places, and events.

How it Works

The ARCHIVOS framework allows storytellers to define the story elements of their settings and the intricate relationships between them. The result is a rich visual network of story element correlations that illuminates the narrative patterns and structures of the story. With those patterns revealed, storytellers can then refine their tales to maximize clarity, continuity, and emotional impact.

Once completed, the storyteller can then share that framework in an interactive visual tour of the story setting that fosters audience engagement and investment in the story.

ARCHIVOS Display Modes

The Story Web

The Story Web reveals the network of interaction between the story elements of a setting. Every character, place, and event of the setting is presented in unique orbits around each other, illustrating the interconnected relationships that bind them and illuminating their context in the story setting.

Users can click story elements for summary information and related links or open full profiles for even more insight. The Story Web is also searchable and filterable, allowing users to explore the aspects of the setting in which they’re most interested.

The Living Map

The Living Map presents the locations, regions, and events of a story setting laid out in the context of setting’s geography. Story Elements are highlighted on fully interactive maps and floorplans, providing users with an orientation of the setting and a sense of its scope and scale.

Like the Story Web, The Living Map reveals detailed information about any story element with the single click. Users can filter the view by searching for a specific Story Element, allowing for a more focused and personalized examination of the events and places within the setting.

The Timeline

The Timeline provides a complete chronology of all events detailed within a story setting. Users define the scope of their view of those events, exploring the vast span of ages or focusing on the events of days or even hours. Each event is further illuminated with a catalog of the people and places involved.

Like all ARCHIVOS displays, The Timeline is searchable and filterable, encouraging users to explore their personal interests in the setting without distraction.